【輸入盤CD】Peter, Paul & Mary / Carry It On (ピーター、ポール&マリー)
2004/2/24 発売輸入盤収録曲:Disc-1:* Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime? [Live] / Peter Yarrow1. Early in the Morning - 1:372. 500 Miles - 2:503. Lemon Tree (62/35) - 2:584. If I Had a Hammer (62/10) - 2:135. Its Raining - 4:246. If I Had My Way - 2:277. Autumn to May - 2:498. Where Have All the Flowers Gone - 3:599. Puff, The Magic Dragon (63/2) - 3:3010. This Land Is Your Land - 2:2911. Gone the Rainbow - 2:4512. Flora - 3:1313. Old Coat - 3:5214. Asoalin - 3:2015. Blowin in the Wind (63/2) - 3:0016. Polly Von - 4:1217. Stewball (63/35) - 3:1218. All My Trials - 3:2019. Dont Think Twice, Its All Right (63/9) - 3:1620. Freight Train - 2:4921. Paultalk [Live] - 12:42Disc-2:* Goodbye Baby / Noel Stookey & The Carsairs1. The Times They Are a Changin [Live] - 3:202. Three Ravens [Live] - 3:523. Blue [Live] - 4:134. Oh,