商品名 | The leg0 Mindstorms Robot Inventor Expert: Building and Coding Instructions for 6 additional models based on Mindstorms 51515 |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | Based on six additional models, this book uses more than 100 pages to explain special building blocks and programming technics. The description of each model is structured in three chapters: BUILD, CODE and PLAY• Ball-Inventor - An automated marble run with color sensor• Bop-It-Inventor - A party-game with sensor functionalities• Balance-Inventor – A balancing wheelchair• Egg-Inventor - Multi-colored egg-decoration• Draw-Inventor - A two-armed drawing robot• Cube-Booster - A robot to solve a 3x3x3 cubeAnybody with some experience from the models in the original set will be able to build and run all models in this book. In line with the simplistic style of the new Mindstorms set, the book avoids lengthy lessons on basic theory but provides well documented code and explains specific functions in more detail. The pragmatic explanations and building techniques will develop an advanced leg0 enthusiast into a Mindstorms Expert.Mindstorms Robot Inventor Set 51515 continues the successful history of the Mindstorms series. The new generation is compatible with electronic components in Boost 17101, Spike Prime and Powered-Up.As the decisive difference to Boost and Powered-Up, Mindstorms is not generally remote controlled by a PC or Handeheld but the programs can run independently on the Hub. Unfortunately, the official set only showcases models that are remote controlled. In contrast, most models of this book can be used independently from a PC or tablet.Building and programming of these models is very interesting and challenging. Therefore, this book is recommended for Teenagers, college students or adults. Although all programs are available for download, smaller kids might need the support of an adult for building, start-up, and programming. |
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