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Craftorama Sewing Kit for Kids, Fun and Educational Christmas Craft Set for

  • 商品説明・詳細

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商品説明 本商品は海外取り寄せの並行輸入商品、新品となります。日本へ輸送する都合上、お届けまで2-3週間程お時間を頂いております。 天候による運行状況や税関審査にて遅延が発生する場合もございますのでご了承くださいませ。 日本到着後に発送と追跡番号の案内を致します本商品は併売商品のため、注文後に在庫確認を行います。在庫切れの場合はキャンセルさせて頂く場合がございますのでご了承下さい。欧米仕様の輸入品となります。商品サイズは全てUS仕様となるためご留意お願い致します。時期により仕様変更があり商品が予告なしに本ページ掲載写真と異なる場合もございますので参考画像としてご検討ください。カメラやモニターの性質により、画像と実物の色の違いがある場合がございますのでご理解願います。在庫確認やご質問は [この商品について質問する] よりお願い致します。通関時に検査の為開封されることがあります。また海外からの輸送のため、外箱に多少の痛みが生じる場合もございますが、中身に問題はございません。 ギフト・コレクション用途にはご留意下さい。また、外箱の傷みは初期不良の対象外となります。「サイズが合わない」「色が想定通りでない」等の理由は返品の対象外となりますのでご留意ください。 注文後、速やかに発注作業を行いますので、注文後のキャンセルはお断りさせて頂いております。お取引の最後まで、誠実な対応をさせて頂きますので宜しくお願い致します。 商品カテゴリ HexFrogs おもちゃ・ ホビー ゲーム、おもちゃその他おもちゃ JANコード/ISBNコード 8719327600535 商品コード YS0000028736984838
商品名 Craftorama Sewing Kit for Kids, Fun and Educational Christmas Craft Set for Boys and Girls Age 7ー12, Sew Your Own Felt Christmas Set Craft Kit for Beginners, 165 Piece Set
商品コメント ? EASY TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND VIDEOS: Learning a new skill can be challenging at first. That is why we not only include a fullーcolor booklet with written stepーbyーstep instructions and clear illustrations, but also video tutorials. This way your child will have loads of fun creating these cute animals without getting frustrated by confusing instructions.? CONTAINS EVERYTHING YOU NEED: This sewing kit contains everything you need (yes, really everything) so you can get started straight away on these fun craft projects. This 165+ pcs set includes 8 preーcut felt animals projects, 5 colors of embroidery thread, 10 pairs of craft eyes, plastic and metal sewing needles, 40 straight pins, needle threaders, scissors, stuffing, and easy to follow instructions.? GET KIDS AWAY FROM SCREENS, and busy getting creative. This fun craft kit is perfect for rainy days, craft parties, and unique gifts, and will keep children of all ages busy for hours on end. Take this opportunity as a wonderful bonding experience and make these cute animals together with your kids. ?WATCH YOUR CHILDREN GLOW WITH PRIDE as they show all the adorable animals that they have made all by themselves. They can start their own little collection, or give some away as small gifts.? PERFECT FOR BEGINNERS: Because the holes are preーpunched, kids have a clear guide to help make neat and even stitches. If you feel your kids are not quite ready for metal needles we have also included plastic needles so they can practice safely. While other kits come with a glue bottle to attach the smaller parts, which can leak and often doesnt stick well, our kit comes with premium 3M sticker backings. Just peel off the protective layer, and stick it securely in place.? 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: We take great pride in our products and were personally involved in designing every aspect of this kit. This is why we are confident that you will love it and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you dont love it, we’ll give you a full refund at any time for any reason.

残り 1 6810円

(68 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.03〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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